Svicha was founded in March 1993 by its current ownwer and CEO Taras-Igor Vulchyn. Svicha is the leading manufacturer of industrial equipment and tools, has two fully-owned production and fabrication facilities: in Ivano-Frankivsk ( 15 Maksymovycha str.) and in Kolomyya ( Maydansky str. with "Elektroosnastka" factory, the controlling stake of which was equired by Svicha Ltd in 1996). Our engeneering and field team consists of highty-experienced experts of former giants of Soviet heavy and oil gas industries: Autolivmash, Karpatripmash, Agromash, Naftoburmash etc. The company has a construction and civil multy-BU; expertise and equipment fleet; and successfully builds multi-storey residential buildings, industrial facilities, recreational facilities in difficult and harsh terrain of Carpathian mountains(skiing slopes, temporary mountain roads, temporary river crossings, etc.) Svicha is also one of the major filanrtropist in the region – we re-invest ~ 5% of EBITPA into noble causes. Svicha is entering the next phase of growth and looking for partners to enter the EU markets as well as srenghten our position in FSU region. |